But Now I Want To Know How To Edit The Mod Metadata How Do I Do That?
First You'll Have To Learn The Manifest Files Of Each Supported Modloader
The Forge Mod Loader Mod Manifest File Is mods.toml
This Is Our mods.toml File:
modLoader = 'lowcodefml'
loaderVersion = '[40,)'
license = 'MIT'
showAsResourcePack = false
mods = [
{ modId = 'recycling', version = '0.0.7-alpha', displayName = 'Recycling', description = 'A Mod That Adds Some Recipes To Recycle', logoFile = 'recycling_pack.png', updateJSONURL = 'https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/raw/main/update.json', credits = ' ', authors = 'DEMnetwork', displayURL = 'https://modrinth.com/datapack/recycling' },
issueTrackerURL = 'https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/issues'
That Manifest File Contains The Mod`s Metadata Such As:
Display Name
Mod ID
Issue Tracker
And More
And That FIle Is Important Without That File It Will Not Load The Mod!
The Fabric Manifest File Is fabric.mod.json
This Is Our fabric.mod.json
{"schemaVersion":1,"id":"recycling","version":"0.0.7-alpha","name":"Recycling","description":"A Mod That Adds Some Recipes To Recycle","authors":["DEMnetwork"],"contact":{"homepage":"https://dem-network-corporation.github.io/Recycling/","sources":"https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/tree/main","issues":"https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/issues"},"license":"MIT","icon":"recycling_pack.png","environment":"*","depends":{"fabric-resource-loader-v0":"*"}}
This File Include The Mod's Metadata Such As: Name,Version,license,authors,source code, and more
The quilt.mod.json Is The Quilt Modloader Manifest File
This Is Our quilt.mod.json:
{"schema_version":1,"quilt_loader":{"group":"com.demnetwork","id":"recycling","version":"0.0.7-alpha","metadata":{"name":"Recycling","description":"A Mod That Adds Some Recipes To Recycle","contributors":{"DEMnetwork":"Owner"},"contact":{"homepage":"https://dem-network-corporation.github.io/Recycling","sources":"https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/tree/main","issues":"https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/issues"},"wiki":"https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/wiki","icon":"recycling_pack.png"},"intermediate_mappings":"net.fabricmc:intermediary","depends":[{"id":"minecraft", "versions":">=1.20"},{"id":"quilted_fabric_api","versions":">=7.0.0+0.83.0-1.20"},{"id":"quilt_resource_loader","versions":"*","unless":"fabric-resource-loader-v0"}]}}
This File Include The Mod's Metadata Such As: Name,Version,license,authors,source code, and more
Our First Conclusion That's Without A Manifest File The Modloader Won't Load The Mod
Before Editing Make Sure You Have An Copy Of The Mod
3.2.1 - How To Edit Metadata
Step 1 - Extract The Mod:
To Extract The mod You Can Use Softwares Like: 7-zip
After You Have Extracted The Files.
You'll View The Following Files:
Step 2 - Edit The Metadata Files:
This Step Varies Acording To The Modloader
Some Fields Are Critical So Any Change At That Fields May Make The Mod Broken.
Fields That Aren't Critical:
- modId
- version
- description
- logoFile
- updateJSONURL
- And more
How To Modify The File
The FIle Is Located At META-INF/mods.toml
Open A Code Editor(Such As IntelliJ IDEA, VS Code, Eclipse, Or Any other).
For Example i`ll Use VS Code
Then After Editing The Code You Can Make An Zip File
Then Copy The Files
Then Paste In The Your Zip File
Rename Change The File Extension From .zip To .jar
Now Move To The %appdata%/.minecraft/mods/
Edit the metadata
To edit the metadata you'll need to access the File(<mod location>/fabric.mod.json)
Note that the metadata file is a .jsonfile
The Metadata File MUST BE formatted correctly unless the mod will not load!
Here is an example:
{"schemaVersion":1,"id":"recycling","version":"0.0.9-alpha","name":"Recycling","description":"A Mod That Adds Some Recipes To Recycle","authors":["DEMnetwork"],"contact":{"homepage":"https://dem-network-corporation.github.io/Recycling/","sources":"https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/tree/main","issues":"https://github.com/DEMnetwork/Recycling/issues"},"license":"MIT","icon":"recycling_pack.png","environment":"*","depends":{"fabric-resource-loader-v0":"*"}}
You can change any field, but you need to make sure the syntax is correct!
Package the mod
Create a Zip File then insert ALL the files(Including the Non-modified ones)
After that rename the Extension to .jar ,then copy it to %appdata%/.minecraft/mods/